Mega-Project Mania: Identifying mega-sites among Thailand’s industrial zones | Tractus

This article is part of a series exploring Southeast Asia’s industrial zone landscape. For a comprehensive global overview, refer to our Vietnam’s mega-sites review. Thailand’s automotive sector is central to its manufacturing industry. It accounts for around 10% of GDP and produces 1.9 million cars annually. As the global automobile sector is electrifying, so too… Read More

India’s Opportunities: Agricultural & Food Value Chain | Tractus

India instituted retaliatory tariffs on U.S. agricultural products in 2019 following the imposition of tariffs from the Trump Administration on Indian steel. The tariffs, which added as much as an additional 20% to existing levels, severely impacted the export competitiveness of U.S. agricultural products, including pulses, apples, and tree nuts. The retaliatory tariffs have now… Read More

Barriers to entry: Can U.S. agriculture exporters stay ahead of tariff free competitors in ASEAN markets? | Tractus

Agricultural exporters from the United States are facing greater competition from countries that have entered multilateral trade agreements with important U.S. trading partners. This competition is occurring globally, but with significant implications across Asia, especially within the 10 countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership… Read More